Building & Construction Services

Customer & Market Due Diligence of Specialty Engineering Consulting Firm: Clarifying Investment Potential in Highly Complex Niche Market
Conducted Customer & Market Due Diligence for Midwestern PE client to sort through target’s complex market dynamics, validate its competitive positioning, establish the criteria driving customer buying behavior, and provide clarity on growth opportunities moving forward. Profiled over 180 competitors, interviewed 60+ customers, and conducted extensive secondary research on market dynamics to provide PE client with a clear picture of in-going growth opportunities. Client proceeded with the acquisition based on Gotham’s findings.
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Customer & Market Due Diligence Of Engineering Consulting Firm: Validating Market Opportunity To Create A Super-regional Player
Conducted a 4-week customer & market due diligence of an engineering consulting firm to confirm that the target was a solid platform with acquisition targets available to create a super-regional player. To this end, Gotham: conducted 100+ interviews and 100+ online surveys with engineering services customers; built a bottom-up market sizing model using Dodge construction activity data to establish market growth trends and market share by end-market and state; backtested the target’s sales mix to determine potential impact of a recession on the target’s business; and analyzed over 1,475 engineering services firms to identify 110 potential acquisition targets. Gotham’s comprehensive assessment provided our client with the facts and comfort level necessary to compete aggressively in a hotly-contested auction.
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Operations Improvement At Single-family Home Rental Company: Establishing Efficient Organization Structure And Processes To Drive $100MM In EBITDA Uplift
Conducted 12-week operations diagnostic to identify opportunities to streamline and reduce cost of client’s operations. To this end, Gotham: redesigned the corporate organization; surveyed 300+ front-line employees to understand their activities; visited multiple local markets and toured homes; mapped all processes front-to-back; and conducted deep-dive analyses of the client's operational performance to establish and quantify savings opportunities. Gotham identified opportunities to increase the client’s EBITDA by $100MM and developed project charters, role-specific KPIS, and a technology plan to jumpstart the capture of identified opportunities. The client launched the implementation effort immediately, with organizational restructuring implemented within 4 weeks.
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Customer & Market Due Diligence Of Security Services Provider: Establishing Market, Technology, And Competitive Dynamics In Niche End-markets
Conducted a 3-week customer & market due diligence to establish the security services market’s dynamics, growth outlook, and competitive landscape. To this end, Gotham: conducted interviews with and online surveys of security service buyers; determined demand drivers, the labor and technology landscape, and the recession risk in this market; built an employment-based market sizing model; and profiled competitive segments. Gotham provided our client with a clear and fact-based view of the market’s current size and growth outlook, impact of technology, and the target’s competitive positioning, allowing our client to gain confidence in the target’s potential and successfully close the deal.
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Customer & Market Due Diligence Of Cleaning Services Provider: Establishing Niche Market And Competitive Dynamics
Conducted a 3-week customer & market due diligence to establish the market and competitive dynamics in the target’s 4 niche end-markets. To this end, Gotham: conducted interviews with and online surveys of service buyers; established market dynamics and growth drivers for each end-market; built market sizing models for each end-market; and profiled end-market competitive landscape. Gotham provided our client with a clear and fact-based view on the target’s reputation and competitive positioning in multiple niche end-markets, along with its market size and growth outlook. This allowed our client to gain confidence in the target’s potential and move forward to close the deal.
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Customer & Market Due Diligence Of Managed Waste Solutions Provider: Understanding Risk Posed By National Haulers
Conducted a 3-week customer & market due diligence of a managed waste solutions provider to establish the target's positioning/risk vs. national waste haulers; its competitive differentiation; its margin stability and recession risk; and the overall managed waste solutions market size and growth expectations. To this end, Gotham: conducted 33 interviews with and 73 online surveys of customers; built a detailed end-market level sizing model; determined the managed waste solutions competitive landscape; analyzed distances between landfills and the target’s customers; built a recession impact model; and established customer and hauler pricing mechanisms. Gotham provided a detailed view on the competitive dynamics and risks posed by the national waste haulers and the advantages of managed waste solutions providers, helping build client confidence in pursuing the target aggressively.
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