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Pricing/ Marketing Effectiveness

We deploy rigorous analytics to improve effectiveness of marketing levers and drive profitable growth, including:

  • Pricing Optimization: Incremental margin and revenue capture – strategic pricing; pricing analytics; insights from customer surveys, competitive benchmarking, and conjoint analysis; and pricing rules/guidelines, processes, tools, and metrics/monitoring
  • Marketing ROI: Analytics to understand spend efficiency, campaign response/lift, and margin drivers/trends; fact-based creation/refresh of the client’s marketing program; optimization of marketing initiatives; and organization, processes, BI tools, and performance measurement systems to deliver marketing ROI
  • Customer: Customer lifetime value; customer segmentation based on needs, value, and behavior; customer acquisition, retention, and winback; and voice of the customer.
Catalog Company
Creating Strategic Pricing Capabilities for Fact- and Behavioral-based Pricing Decisions at Leading Catalog Company

Put in place necessary fact base and analytical processes to enable proper pricing decisions in a market with distinct-price thresholds. Created pricing guidelines and robust pricing process. Immediately applied to reprice 1,100 items, with a projected margin increase of $1.3MM.

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Pharmaceutical Company
Understanding and Analyzing the Impact of Generic Entry and Developing Financial and Manufacturing Plan to Optimize Marketing Spend for Multi-Billion-Dollar Drug Product

Assessed generic competitive landscape for $2B drug, including profiling costs and lead time for generic market entry, generating likely penetration scenarios (pricing and market share), and quantifying financial impact of generic launch sequences across 7 major worldwide markets. The study resulted in creation of a re-usable proactive planning tool for modeling the effects of generic product entry into the market.

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Multi-disciplinary Engineering Services Firm
Improving Profitability and Revenue Performance at Multi-disciplinary Engineering Services Firm

Conducted a 6-week operations assessment to turn around the company’s margin performance and position it for a successful exit in 2-3 years’ time. Analyzed historical project and employee utilization performance; developed target staffing leverage model; and created target business development model to improve efficiency of business development effort while driving profitable revenue growth. Our detailed assessment gave our client a solid understanding and roadmap of the levers to achieve the target margin performance (5-7% points growth); client requested Gotham to provide ongoing support through quarterly performance audits.

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Mattress Manufacturer
Establishing True Cost Picture And Identifying Operations Improvement Opportunities

Conducted a profitability diagnostic study for a promotional mattress manufacturer with nationwide operations and a multi-plant network. To this end, Gotham followed a data-driven approach to dissect and analyze the company’s operations, including:  building the true cost picture by analyzing and reconciling multiple large and disparate data sets ranging from company-level accounts to invoice level information; profiling profitability across plants, products, and customer segments; analyzing customer churn impact by profiling profitability across new, retained, and lost customers; developing a comprehensive analytics platform on Excel to help provide the company with a recurring monthly view of cost and profitability; and identifying fact-based improvement opportunities. This data-driven approach helped our client gain clarity over the true cost picture and drivers of profitability and sales decline, and launch a focused operations improvement effort supported by robust facts.  

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Testing Services Provider
Identifying Consolidation Synergies from and Operational Improvement Opportunities in an Add-On Acquisition for Testing Services Provider

Conducted a 4-week operational due diligence to: 1) identify and quantify facility consolidation and other synergies; 2) determine cost additions and operations improvement opportunities; and 3) establish current asset and labor utilization. Gotham worked hand-in-hand with our client to build a comprehensive and reliable cost and capacity fact base, conducted detailed tours of all the facilities, assessed several site consolidation options, and benchmarked operational metrics across the 2 companies. Gotham’s due diligence findings allowed our client to confidently proceed with the transaction; client is already capturing synergies identified during the due diligence.  

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Dry Ice Manufacturer
Rapidly Pinning Down Capacity/CapEx, Manufacturing Cost, and Distribution Situation and Opportunities at Leading Dry Ice Manufacturer

Conducted 2-week operational due diligence to pin down capacity and CapEx situation, and to identify margin improvement opportunities in manufacturing, distribution, and branch operations ahead of a competitive auction bid. Created plant-specific profiles of 150+ pieces of production equipment and determined target had ample capacity for growth with minimal replacement CapEx risk. Analyzed and reconciled financial data from the target’s ~100 P&Ls and reallocated costs to establish true operational costs and production and distribution cost benchmarks across plants, branches, and routes and identified up to $6MM in margin improvement opportunities through disciplined distribution and pricing practices. Gotham’s due diligence enabled our client to move forward with a competitive bid. 

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Related Capabilities


Salesforce Effectiveness


Pragmatic Growth Strategy


Rapid Operations Improvements


Exit Preparation/ Positioning

Industry Expertise

Food & Beverage

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