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Branch-based Services

Commercial Ambulance Service Provider
Customer & Market Due Diligence of Commercial Ambulance Service Provider: Establishing Local Market Competitive and Labor Dynamics

Conducted 4-week customer & market due diligence to establish local market and competitive dynamics in each of the target’s 23 local markets, including:  a detailed picture of the competitive landscape; age demographics, insurance coverage, and EMT employment and wage trends; a fact-based assessment of hospitals’ and 911 systems’ use of commercial ambulance service providers. Gotham conducted interviews with hospital and 911 systems, an online survey of hospital decision makers, and an online survey of EMTs/paramedics, as well as established growth opportunities from both market share gains and acquisitions. Armed with a solid fact base, our client moved forward with confidence to close the transaction. 

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Customer & Market And Operational Due Diligence Of Leading Propane Distributor: Determining Branch-level Margin Expansion Opportunities And Market Position

Conducted 2-week customer & market and operational due diligence to:  validate capture of pricing and operating efficiencies at acquired companies; establish local market dynamics and target’s competitive positioning; and assess regulatory and substitution threat. Gotham: surveyed ~750 propane consumers in target’s service areas; identified/profiled key competitors and conducted 32 competitor interviews in target’s local markets; analyzed zip-code-level propane supply, consumption, pricing, and heating degree day trends; determined pricing optimization and segmentation opportunity; assessed substitution threat from natural gas, electricity, and heat pumps; and analyzed pricing, delivery, and backoffiice expenses at 25+ acquisitions. Comfortable with the target’s opportunity to acquire family-owned local propane distributors and capture pricing/operations improvements, our client was able to move forward with an aggressive but well-informed bid.

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Heavy Equipment Rental Company
Rental Operations Improvements for Heavy Equipment Rental Company:  Diagnosing Performance Deficiencies at Data-rich But Information-poor Branch-based Underperforming Business to Identify EBITDA Improvement Opportunities/Plan for Their Capture

Identified $6.4MM in quick-win EBITDA improvement opportunity in rental, parts, and services businesses by analyzing the company’s revenue drivers, cost structure, and equipment utilization. Working with management, developed a detailed 6-month implementation plan to enable rapid capture of operational improvement opportunities and to establish long-term strategic initiatives to drive top- and bottom-line growth. Management is successfully implementing value creation plan and, within 3 months, has already captured $3MM in EBITDA improvements (vs. same quarter in previous year).

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Truck Parts Distributor
Exit Preparation/Positioning for $1B Automotive Parts Distributor:  Developing Growth Strategy in the Outsourced Service Market 

Built solid fact base of market and competitive dynamics in the outsourced automotive service in order to pin down the growth opportunity in this segment. Analyzed key industry data, interviewed 100+ independent service centers, assessed competitive landscape, and modeled economics to establish market attractiveness and growth potential, including key demand drivers/trends, business synergies/risks, competitive positioning, and size/profitability of future network. Gotham’s exit preparation and positioning allowed the company and its investors to paint a clear picture of the source of the next leg of growth and sell the company at a rich valuation.

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Specialty Engineering Consulting Firm
Customer & Market Due Diligence of Specialty Engineering Consulting Firm:  Clarifying Investment Potential in Highly Complex Niche Market

Conducted Customer & Market Due Diligence for Midwestern PE client to sort through target’s complex market dynamics, validate its competitive positioning, establish the criteria driving customer buying behavior, and provide clarity on growth opportunities moving forward. Profiled over 180 competitors, interviewed 60+ customers, and conducted extensive secondary research on market dynamics to provide PE client with a clear picture of in-going growth opportunities. Client proceeded with the acquisition based on Gotham’s findings.

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Specialty Engineering Services Firm
Operational Due Diligence of An Entrepreneurial Specialty Engineering Services Firm:  Instilling Process Discipline Required for Future Growth While Sustaining Performance-oriented Culture 

Conducted operational due diligence to assess the firm’s prospect-to-cash cycle processes and establish a revenue forecasting approach. Our effort included:  building a robust fact base of the company’s cost and operational performance using data from ERP and offline database; mapping and assessing sales & marketing, revenue generation, and people management processes; and visiting/interviewing management across multiple offices.  Gotham provided an explicit top-level operations end-vision and value creation plan bolstering the company’s ability to support growth, giving our client the necessary confidence to successfully complete negotiations. 

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