Plastic & Rubber Products

Customer & Market Due Diligence of Upstream Oil & Gas Protective Solutions Provider: Establishing Market Size and Growth Opportunities in OCTG Market
Conducted 4-week customer & market due diligence to: (1) establish outlook for North America oil & gas drilling; (2) estimate market size and growth for new and reconditioned protective products; and (3) evaluate target’s competitive positioning. For this effort, Gotham interviewed 150+ customers and competitors, leveraged our proprietary industry knowledge base, performed extensive primary and secondary research to pin down oil & gas drilling dynamics, and developed a detailed bottom-up model for market sizing and growth. As a result of Gotham’s findings, our client confidently pursued and closed the transaction.
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Market Due Diligence of Diversified Custom Plastic Extruder: Validating Growth Potential in Key End-markets and Assessing Technology Risks
Conducted 1-week market due diligence ahead of the final bid deadline to validate growth potential in its key end-markets and assess technology risks. Analyzed the competitiveness of plastics extrusion technology vis-à-vis alternative technologies and established the market and competitive dynamics of the overall extrusion specialty products. For each of the target’s 6 core end-markets, Gotham: (1) established growth dynamics by looking at key market indicators; (2) evaluated the target’s competitive strengths, including price, technology and material considerations, relationships with OEMs, compatibility with regulatory requirements, and geographic advantage; and (3) reviewed product and channel dynamics. Gotham’s findings enabled the client to make bid decision with confidence.
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Inventory Optimization at Leading Sporting Safety Equipment Company: Enhancing Forecasting, Planning, and Product Lifecycle Management in Post-merger Environment
Assisted 4 client teams and trained client personnel during a post-merger replenishment system enhancement and inventory reduction effort. Developed a centralized inventory and planning model by merging information from 2 separate operating entities. Achieved $8+MM reduction in inventory in 9 months.
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Customer & Market Due Diligence Of Leading Supplier Of Synthetic Fiber For Nonwovens: Establishing Competitive Positioning/Margin Sustainability
Conducted a 2-phased customer & market due diligence to establish target's competitive positioning and margin sustainability. To this end, Gotham: conducted 86 anonymous and “warm introduction” customer interviews; analyzed target’s customer base to establish where target competes within the synthetic fiber market; established target’s addressable market size/share and growth outlook in multiple end-markets; built a global synthetic fiber capacity and manufacturer-to-distributor product flow picture by fiber type, and profiled key manufacturers and distributors and established their market shares. Gotham’s assessment provided a comprehensive, fact-based view on the target’s competitive positioning, margin sustainability, and end-market growth outlook, allowing our client to successfully close the deal.
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Exit Preparation/Positioning Of Leading Construction Supplies Manufacturer: Developing A Fact-based Growth Story
Conducted a market and competitive dynamics assessment to craft a fact-based growth story to inform management’s growth case and provide potential buyers with an understanding of client’s business and competitive positioning. Gotham: developed an in-depth industry primer; conducted customer interviews and surveys; built a competitive database profiling each player in the market; used industry data to detail historical and projected industry growth; built a bottom-up market size model; and established a detailed picture of client’s growth opportunities. Gotham’s assessment provided the client with extensive customer feedback and allowed management to develop a strong growth case and provide potential buyers with a fact-based market and growth opportunity understanding.
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Customer & Market Due Diligence Of Global Precision Parts Manufacturer: Validating Revenue Sustainability In Markets Under Transformational Changes
Conducted a 2-week customer & market due diligence to validate the sustainability and growth outlook of target’s key product application/programs. To this end, Gotham: built a model to establish impact of automotive electrification on target’s business; analyzed target’s top product applications/ programs to establish growth outlook, program lifecycle, target’s positioning, and margin outlook; conducted anonymous and “warm introduction” interviews with target’s customers; reconciled target’s financial projections against market forecast to determine how much of target’s projected growth was coming from market share gains; and established competitive landscape for both mechanical and electric parts. Gotham’s work established that target’s business was sustainable and gave our client confidence to proceed with its investment.
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