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Industrial Distribution & Services

Supplier of Synthetic Fiber for Nonwovens
Customer & Market Due Diligence Of Leading Supplier Of Synthetic Fiber For Nonwovens: Establishing Competitive Positioning/Margin Sustainability

Conducted a 2-phased customer & market due diligence to establish target's competitive positioning and margin sustainability. To this end, Gotham:  conducted 86 anonymous and “warm introduction” customer interviews; analyzed target’s customer base to establish where target competes within the synthetic fiber market; established target’s addressable market size/share and growth outlook in multiple end-markets; built a global synthetic fiber capacity and manufacturer-to-distributor product flow picture by fiber type, and profiled key manufacturers and distributors and established their market shares. Gotham’s assessment provided a comprehensive, fact-based view on the target’s competitive positioning, margin sustainability, and end-market growth outlook, allowing our client to successfully close the deal.

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Specialty Electronics Component Supplier
Exit Preparation/Positioning for Electronics Component Supplier:  Establishing Niche Market Positioning and Multi-pronged Growth Strategy 

Built a solid fact-base of company sales, market position, and competitive dynamics by analyzing 7 years of customer sales/customer data, conducting 170 interviews and 1,900 online surveys of customers/prospects, and building a bottom-up market sizing model. Established company’s position as a niche leader using an original use-based segmentation based on customers’ component needs across the product life cycle. Developed a multi-pronged growth strategy to achieve 14% CAGR growth (vs. 6% overall market growth) by leveraging company’s end-market presence and In Operations segment strength. Gotham also analyzed the impact of pricing on volume and established end-market mix, not pricing, was the driver of recent decreasing flagship catalog brand sales volume. Gotham’s work allowed management to position the company as a niche leader and to begin implementing a credible growth strategy to prepare for a successful eventual exit.

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Testing Services Provider
Operational Due Diligence of Testing Services Provider:  Identifying Consolidation Synergies from and Operational Improvement Opportunities in an Add-On Acquisition

Conducted a 4-week operational due diligence to: 1) identify and quantify facility consolidation and other synergies; 2) determine cost additions and operations improvement opportunities; and 3) establish current asset and labor utilization. Gotham worked hand-in-hand with our client to build a comprehensive and reliable cost and capacity fact base, conducted detailed tours of all the facilities, assessed several site consolidation options, and benchmarked operational metrics across the 2 companies. Gotham’s due diligence findings allowed our client to confidently proceed with the transaction; client is already capturing synergies identified during the due diligence.  

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HSE Services Provider
Customer & Market Due Diligence of Leading HSE Services Company: Understanding Market Dynamics/Size as Key Input to Round 2 Bid Decision

Conducted customer interviews and market research to validate company’s business model of providing outsourced services to the energy industry. Effort included interviewing (unsolicited) 84 current and potential customers, researching 5 product families and 7 industry sectors to establish service requirements, and building bottom-up market sizing model for this early stage outsourcing market. PE client ($9+B under management) purchased the company and able to increase the top-line by 50% within the first year.

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