
Customer & Market Due Diligence Of Industrial Wastewater Treatment Service Provider: Establishing Pricing Structure, Margin Risk, And Growth Outlook
Conducted a 2-week customer & market due diligence ahead of the check-in bid to establish the pricing structure, oil price exposure, recession risk, and growth outlook of a leading industrial wastewater treatment service provider. To this end, Gotham: built an oil price sensitivity model; built a recession impact model; conducted 50+ interviews with customers and competitors; and leveraged available industry data and secondary research. Gotham’s fact-based analysis of the market, the target’s pricing structure, exposure to oil price fluctuation, recession risks, and growth outlook provided our client with the facts to put this opportunity into perspective and price the deal accordingly ahead of its check-in bid.
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Customer & Market Due Diligence Of Wastewater Treatment Equipment Manufacturer: Establishing Demand Outlook And Growth Opportunities
Conducted an early Phase I 2-week customer & market due diligence to establish demand outlook and target's growth opportunities. To this end, Gotham: established WWTP equipment needs and treatment technologies; conducted 44 anonymous interviews with municipalities; established capital/O&M spending outlook in the municipal wastewater treatment market; built a comprehensive database of WWTP equipment vendors and products; performed an in-depth WWTP equipment assessment to identify equipment categories for expansion and potential acquisition candidates. Gotham’s assessment of the target’s competitive positioning and growth opportunity in the WWTP equipment market allowed our client to move forward in the auction process with confidence.
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Customer & Market Due Diligence Of NG LDC Equipment Supplier: Establishing Natural Gas Consumption Outlook In Light Of Decarbonization
Conducted 5-week customer & market due diligence to: (1) establish macro trends in NG usage; (2) establish market size and growth trends for NG LDC equipment; and (3) determine the competitive landscape for NG LDC equipment. To this end, Gotham: established historic and projected NG consumption trends by leveraging data available from government agencies; developed a country-level market sizing model; conducted interviews with customers, distributors, and competitors across Europe and North America; and performed extensive primary and secondary research to pin down the decarbonization trend and competitive landscape. Armed with a reliable, fact-based assessment of NG demand outlook, our client moved forward with confidence and closed the transaction.
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Customer & Market Due Diligence Of Managed Waste Solutions Provider: Understanding Risk Posed By National Haulers
Conducted a 3-week customer & market due diligence of a managed waste solutions provider to establish the target's positioning/risk vs. national waste haulers; its competitive differentiation; its margin stability and recession risk; and the overall managed waste solutions market size and growth expectations. To this end, Gotham: conducted 33 interviews with and 73 online surveys of customers; built a detailed end-market level sizing model; determined the managed waste solutions competitive landscape; analyzed distances between landfills and the target’s customers; built a recession impact model; and established customer and hauler pricing mechanisms. Gotham provided a detailed view on the competitive dynamics and risks posed by the national waste haulers and the advantages of managed waste solutions providers, helping build client confidence in pursuing the target aggressively.
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Customer & Market Due Diligence Of Industrial Filtration Equipment Manufacturer: Establishing Demand Outlook In Light Of Automotive Powertrain Electrification
Conducted a 2-week customer & market due diligence to: understand the type and replacement frequency of filtration equipment; establish the impact of electrification on demand for filtration equipment; and pin down the competitive landscape. To this end, Gotham: conducted interviews with decision makers at the Big Three North American Auto Manufacturers, foreign transplants, competitors, and industry participants; determined plant-level electrification plans for major automotive OEMs; established filtration equipment needs by mapping filtration processes under different scenarios; and built a database of industrial filtration equipment vendors and equipment. Gotham’s assessment allowed our client to gain clarity on the impact of electrification on filtration equipment demand and confirmed the target’s leading competitive positioning, allowing our client to price the deal accordingly.
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Customer & Market Due Diligence Of Water Well Services Provider: Establishing Market Dynamics And Growth Outlook
Conducted a 3-week customer & market due diligence to establish the competitive differentiation and validate the growth opportunities of the target. To this end, Gotham: created a robust market sizing model establishing the current inventory of wells as well as a drilling forecast segmented by end-market; conducted interviews with municipal and C&I water well customers and government agencies; established the competitive landscape and market share of key players; and uncovered attractive geographic, service line, and end-market expansion opportunities. Gotham’s assessment armed our client with a solid understanding of market dynamics/growth outlook and the target’s reputation/competitive positioning, allowing our client to pursue the transaction with confidence.
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