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Electrical/ Electronic Products

Electrical Products Supplier
Customer & Market Due Diligence Of Electrical Products Manufacturer: Establishing Brand Importance And Recession Risk

Conducted a 2-phase, 5-week customer & market due diligence to establish: (1) the target’s cyclical exposure/recession risk; (2) the target’s competitive positioning/reputation; (3) manufacturers’ rep dynamics; (4) pricing dynamics/trends in the target’s product categories; and (5) e-commerce trends in electrical products market. To this end, Gotham:  conducted interviews and surveys with electrical contractors, distributers, and manufacturers’ reps; built an MSA-level electrical product market sizing model; conducted recession risk analysis; and built an electrical product map. Our fact-based brand importance and recession risk assessment allowed our client to successfully close the deal and develop a suitable capital structure to withstand a recession. The business performed within quantified parameters during the COVID-driven demand shock. 

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Specialty Electronics Component Supplier
Exit Preparation/Positioning for Electronics Component Supplier:  Establishing Niche Market Positioning and Multi-pronged Growth Strategy 

Built a solid fact-base of company sales, market position, and competitive dynamics by analyzing 7 years of customer sales/customer data, conducting 170 interviews and 1,900 online surveys of customers/prospects, and building a bottom-up market sizing model. Established company’s position as a niche leader using an original use-based segmentation based on customers’ component needs across the product life cycle. Developed a multi-pronged growth strategy to achieve 14% CAGR growth (vs. 6% overall market growth) by leveraging company’s end-market presence and In Operations segment strength. Gotham also analyzed the impact of pricing on volume and established end-market mix, not pricing, was the driver of recent decreasing flagship catalog brand sales volume. Gotham’s work allowed management to position the company as a niche leader and to begin implementing a credible growth strategy to prepare for a successful eventual exit.

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Industrial Machinery Manufacturer
Creating a Fact-based, Realistic Operations Strategy at Leading Industrial Machinery Manufacturer: Performance Enhancement at IndusTech

Conducted a 2-week diagnostic of current performance as a first step in helping craft and execute an operations strategy. Specific elements of the proposed strategy included: (1) outsourcing non-core activities; (2) rationalizing the vendor based and developing focused supplier partnerships; (3) segmenting operations (equipment vs. consumables) to improve supply chain management; and (4) Moving towards standard and modular system design to greatly simplify inventory and production. Short-term cost savings of $2MM successfully captures and $3+MM longer-term savings capture on track.

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Automotive Components Manufacturer
Operational Due Diligence of Global Tier 2 Automotive Components Supplier: Finding and Valuing Cost Reduction Opportunities

Conducted opportunity assessment at Tier 2 Automotive Parts supplier with manufacturing locations in 4 countries. Identified $6-9MM in short-term and $27-37MM in longer-term cost reduction opportunities. Near-term opportunities included improving efficiency of US operations and re-sourcing materials and components from lower cost locations. Longer-term opportunities involved closing a European facility, migrating labor-intensive products from the US to Mexico facility, and building up a Chinese JV to supply all Asia product needs. Identified opportunities far exceeded management plan.

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Industrial Products Manufacturer
Network Optimization at Global Industrial Products Manufacturer Consolidating 2 North American Manufacturing Facilities

Created business case and closure plan for consolidation of 2 facilities (located within 6 hours drive) as part of worldwide sourcing strategy. Total COGS, overhead and SG&A cost-savings from the consolidation are estimated at $6MM, while one-time costs are estimated at $8MM. In addition, over 50% of key personnel decided to stay on and move to the other facility.

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Industrial Equipment Manufacturer
Sourcing Optimiation at Specialty Industrial Equipment Manufacturer: Consolidating and Creating Value-added Relationships with Vendors

Identified opportunity for vendor consolidation for commodity items and created and helped purchasing team execute associated plan for electrical parts processing, resulting in $450K in direct purchasing savings and $1.5MM reduction in componentry inventory. Comparable efforts rolled out to other commodities.

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