Branded Foods

Customer & Market Due Diligence of Leading Brand of Refrigerated Plant-based Proteins: Rapidly Establishing Growth Prospects for Check-in Bid
Conducted 1.5-week customer & market due diligence to establish a rapid, early-stage, quick read on the target’s growth prospects in the retail and foodservice channels. Gotham leveraged our significant experience and interviewed grocery category buyers to gather market insights and we leveraged our analytical expertise to decipher market trends and identify and evaluate growth opportunities. Our fact-based view on the market opportunities and the target’s brand positioning got the client excited about the growth prospects and gave them the confidence to deliver an aggressive bid.
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Customer & Market and Operational Due Diligence of Refrigerated Mexican Food Manufacturer: Validating National Expansion Opportunity for a Regional Brand
Conducted a 2-phase due diligence to: (1) validate the national expansion opportunity in grocery, (2) validate the growth opportunity in foodservice, and (3) assess operations risks and opportunities. Gotham interviewed ~70 retail and foodservice buyers and surveyed ~4,000 consumers to establish target’s brand positioning and growth opportunity. We also leveraged Nielsen data to build an MSA-level market sizing model to establish a $2B addressable market size. To support national expansion, Gotham established second plant economics and profiled the competitive landscape to identify acquisition candidates. Our operational assessment did not reveal any significant commodity pricing margin risks and, in fact, identified material yeild and labor savings opportunities. These fact-based conclusions gave the client the conviction needed to submit an aggressive bid to win this hotly contested auction.
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Operational Due Diligence of Family-owned Branded Ethnic Foods Manufacturer: Assessing Operational Scalability to Support Targeted Growth
Built operational performance fact base and cost model for due diligence of an entrepreneurial company. Effort included: first-hand observation of operations, management interviews, data collection and synthesis, equipment condition and capex requirement assessment, food safety review, and interviews with potential co-packers. Established that: the existing plant can meet the buyer's target of growing the business 2-3X current volume; identified 5-6 viable and interested co-packers; identified opportunities to reduce cost per case by 16-17.5%; and provided a road map for improving operations. The PE firm is in process of closing the deal.
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Customer & Market Due Diligence Of BFY Frozen Prepared Foods Brand: Establishing Brand Metrics, Competitive Positioning, And Market Growth Outlook
Conducted a 3-week customer & market due diligence to establish the target's market size and growth outlook and competitive positioning. To this end, Gotham: conducted a deep-dive analysis of Nielsen IQ monthly retail sales data over 4 years for 32,000 SKUs and 2,200 brands; conducted over 20 anonymous interviews with key grocery chain category buyers; and profiled legacy and BFY competitors. Gotham’s SKU and brand metrics analysis and interviews provided our client with a robust understanding of the target’s competitive positioning and the growth outlook of BFY frozen prepared foods, allowing our client to make an informed bid.
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Customer & Market Due Diligence Of Better-For-You Sweet Treats Brand: Establishing Brand Positioning and Category Expansion Opportunity
Conducted a 3-week customer & market due diligence to establish the health and growth profile of the target’s current product categories and validate the target’s product category expansion opportunities. To this end, Gotham: analyzed retailer-/SKU-level NielsenIQ data; conducted a survey of over 2,500 consumers; and conducted interviews with key food retailers and distributors. Gotham’s in-depth analysis of the low/no-sugar sweet snacks market, the target’s brand positioning, and the target’s growth opportunities provided our client with the robust, reliable fact base needed to compete aggressively in this hotly-contested auction.
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Exit Preparation/Positioning Of Hispanic Foods Manufacturer: Establishing Company’s 5-year Growth Stack
Conducted a market dynamics and whitespace opportunity assessment to craft a fact-based growth story to inform management’s growth case and provide potential buyers with an understanding of company’s business and potential future growth. Gotham: established key market trends in all retail and foodservice segments; built an in-depth retail market sizing model of company’s product categories; built a database of Hispanic and mainstream restaurant chains and built a bottom-up foodservice market sizing model; and developed the company’s whitespace opportunity model for retail and foodservice. Gotham’s assessment provided the client with quantified fact-based view of company’s growth opportunities leading to a highly contested auction.
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