Production Planning & Scheduling

Network-wide Operating System to Turn Around Performance at Foodservice/Co-pack Juice Company
Turned around plant performance by implementing basic plant operating system (downtime, waste, and scheduling). $600K in run rate cost savings captured by the end of the 6-week engagement, with tools and processes in place to capture the rest. Building on the initial success, rolled out the network-wide standard operating procedures to the other 2 plants during an 8-week Phase II effort with additional savings of $2-2.5MM expected. Company generating record EBITDA (60+% improvement in EBITDA) and the PE firm decided to market the company for an exit.
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Enhancing Forecasting, Planning, and Product Lifecycle Management in Post-merger Environment at Leading Sporting Safety Equipment Company
Assisted 4 client teams and trained client personnel during a post-merger replenishment system enhancement and inventory reduction effort. Developed a centralized inventory and planning model by merging information from 2 separate operating entities. Achieved $8+MM reduction in inventory in 9 months.
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New Planning/Delivery Capabilities to Turnaround Customer Service/Delivery Performance at Leading Industrial Hardgoods Manufacturer
Led diagnostic-based effort culminating in enhanced planning and delivery capabilities: short-term tactical prioritization to overcome to overcome significant backlog; new planning system parameters; customer-oriented delivery strategy, including fast-ship program; shop-floor prioritization mechanisms (fixed schedule); measurement/tracking and reporting scheme for planning and production; ultimate migration to integrated MRP system. Fast- ship SKU program reduced order-to-delivery cycle from 2+ weeks to 1 day; $10MM backlog reduced to $2.5MM (including future orders) within 3 months.
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Rapidly Capturing Manufacturing And Logistics Cost Reduction Opportunities At Ethnic Foodservice Products Manufacturer
Captured $1.2MM in operations run-rate savings in 12 weeks at an ethnic foodservice and retail private label products manufacturer by implementing shop floor management best practices. Gotham worked on the shop floor to: observe operations; identify potential improvement opportunities; provide immediate guidance to client personnel; and troubleshoot and pilot solutions. We improved line through from ~225 cases/shift to ~375 cases/shift, reduced fill weight by 3-7% to minimize overfill, reduce floor scrap by 50%; and eliminated expired rework scrap. To ensure sustainability and further improvements, we: trained client personnel, put in place process changes, tools, KPIs and reporting system; and identified/planned next set of improvement opportunities. Gotham also launched logistics savings capture by developing direct ship pilot and facilitating conversation between company sales teams and foodservice distributors.
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Rapidly Validating Margin Improvement Opportunities and Assessing Capacity/CapEx Risk at Testing Services Provider
Conducted 2-week operational due diligence to validate margin improvement opportunities and assess capacity/CapEx risk. Gotham visited 7 facilities and conducted full-day operations review with management to understand operations management approach/processes and visions/plans moving forward. To fill gaps in this data poor situation, we performed various in-depth analyses – recasting labor cost structure, analyzing job-level data to understand profitability, building a bottom-up labor utilization and fixed cost model to project margins with revenue growth, etc. Gotham’s due diligence work enabled our client to move forward with confidence and successfully acquire target in a proprietary deal.
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Identifying Consolidation Opportunities and Creating Roadmap for Professionalizing Operations to Support Future Growth at Regional Family-owned Coffee Roaster and Distributor
Conducted a 3-week operational due diligence to establish a robust fact base of cost and operational performance in a data-poor situation, identify consolidation opportunities, and provide a fact-based, actionable plan for post-acquisition value creation, including: delivery and service route optimization to eliminate 30-40% of current routes; brewing equipment CapEx reduction through better deployment of used equipment; warehouse consolidation; sourcing efficiencies; SKU complexity management and inventory reduction; and professionalization of roasting and supply chain operations. Gotham’s findings enabled the client to close the transaction with confidence; the company started capturing identified opportunities within a few weeks of the deal closure.
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