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Operations Diagnostic

Single-Family Home Rental Company
Establishing Efficient Organization Structure And Processes To Drive $100MM In EBITDA Uplift

Conducted 12-week operations diagnostic to identify opportunities to streamline and reduce cost of client’s operations. To this end, Gotham: redesigned the corporate organization; surveyed 300+ front-line employees to understand their activities; visited multiple local markets and toured homes; mapped all processes front-to-back; and conducted deep-dive analyses of the client's operational performance to establish and quantify savings opportunities. Gotham identified opportunities to increase the client’s EBITDA by $100MM and developed project charters, role-specific KPIS, and a technology plan to jumpstart the capture of identified opportunities. The client launched the implementation effort immediately, with organizational restructuring implemented within 4 weeks. 

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Heavy Equipment Rental Company
Diagnosing Performance Deficiencies at Data-rich But Information-poor Branch-based Underperforming Business to Identify EBITDA Improvement Opportunities/Plan for Their Capture at Heavy Equipment Rental Company

Identified $6.4MM in quick-win EBITDA improvement opportunity in rental, parts, and services businesses by analyzing the company’s revenue drivers, cost structure, and equipment utilization. Working with management, developed a detailed 6-month implementation plan to enable rapid capture of operational improvement opportunities and to establish long-term strategic initiatives to drive top- and bottom-line growth. Management is successfully implementing value creation plan and, within 3 months, has already captured $3MM in EBITDA improvements (vs. same quarter in previous year).

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Direct Marketing Services Company
Establishing “One Company” Organization and Operations to Realize Cost Synergies at Direct Marketing Services Company

Conducted a 5-week operations diagnostic of a recently acquired portfolio company to identify cost reduction opportunities and establish organizational and operations end-visions. Gotham undertook an extensive analytic effort to reconcile and align data from 3 separate, independently operating systems corresponding to each business unit and create in-depth profiles of purchasing spend and labor efficiency. We also identified opportunities to improve salesforce effectiveness, including salesforce restructuring and a new compensation system. Finally, working with management, Gotham developed a “One Company” organizational structure to eliminate disconnect and facilitate savings opportunity capture within and among the 3 business units. Following the diagnostic, management launched efforts to capture these opportunities, which were expected to improve the company’s EBITDA margins by 6+ percentage points.

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Branded Baking Company
Improving Cost-to-serve at Premium Baked Goods Company

Created a new logistics strategy, including implementing a new DSD network and delivery process, developing a new transportation and warehousing strategy, and re-balancing production among plants. Over 75% of the $2.5MM in savings (from a cost base of $12MM) highlighted in the strategy was saved in the first year of implementation.

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Industry Expertise

Food & Beverage

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