Operational Transformation

Establishing Efficient Organization Structure And Processes To Drive $100MM In EBITDA Uplift
Conducted 12-week operations diagnostic to identify opportunities to streamline and reduce cost of client’s operations. To this end, Gotham: redesigned the corporate organization; surveyed 300+ front-line employees to understand their activities; visited multiple local markets and toured homes; mapped all processes front-to-back; and conducted deep-dive analyses of the client's operational performance to establish and quantify savings opportunities. Gotham identified opportunities to increase the client’s EBITDA by $100MM and developed project charters, role-specific KPIS, and a technology plan to jumpstart the capture of identified opportunities. The client launched the implementation effort immediately, with organizational restructuring implemented within 4 weeks.
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Establishing Cost-focused Operational Processes to Enable Rapid Cost Savings Capture at Premium Personal Care Products Company
Identified $9-12.5MM in cost reduction opportunities, which required addressing CosmeticCo's critical gaps in operational basics, which had become exacerbated by fast growth, and its limited understanding of/focus on actual costs. Within 4 months, over $7MM in cost reduction opportunites confirmed or detailed, with $2.5MM already captured on run-rate basis. CosmeticCo continues to implement detailed-out changes to complete capture of near-term savings and then pursue longer-term opportunities.
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Establishing Operation End-vision for a Fast-growing, Entrepreneurial Climate Control Product Manufacturer
Conducted a 3-week operations diagnostic to establish an end-vision for optimizing the clients’s manufacturing, supply chain, and engineering operations. Gotham developed a solid fact base of the client’s operations, including demand patterns, inventory, labor efficiency, product complexity, and cost structure. Working with management, Gotham created an end-vision to transform operations and generate both real bottom line benefits – 600bp EBITDA improvement, 20-30% reduction in inventory, and 30% reduction in the plant footprint – and capability enhancements (faster speed to market, improved quality, etc.) that will allow the client to capture market opportunities and drive future growth. The company’s board wholeheartedly backed this end-vision and asked Gotham to help accelerate capture of these opportunities.
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Rapidly Capturing Manufacturing And Logistics Cost Reduction Opportunities At Ethnic Foodservice Products Manufacturer
Captured $1.2MM in operations run-rate savings in 12 weeks at an ethnic foodservice and retail private label products manufacturer by implementing shop floor management best practices. Gotham worked on the shop floor to: observe operations; identify potential improvement opportunities; provide immediate guidance to client personnel; and troubleshoot and pilot solutions. We improved line through from ~225 cases/shift to ~375 cases/shift, reduced fill weight by 3-7% to minimize overfill, reduce floor scrap by 50%; and eliminated expired rework scrap. To ensure sustainability and further improvements, we: trained client personnel, put in place process changes, tools, KPIs and reporting system; and identified/planned next set of improvement opportunities. Gotham also launched logistics savings capture by developing direct ship pilot and facilitating conversation between company sales teams and foodservice distributors.
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Establishing “One Company” Organization and Operations to Realize Cost Synergies at Direct Marketing Services Company
Conducted a 5-week operations diagnostic of a recently acquired portfolio company to identify cost reduction opportunities and establish organizational and operations end-visions. Gotham undertook an extensive analytic effort to reconcile and align data from 3 separate, independently operating systems corresponding to each business unit and create in-depth profiles of purchasing spend and labor efficiency. We also identified opportunities to improve salesforce effectiveness, including salesforce restructuring and a new compensation system. Finally, working with management, Gotham developed a “One Company” organizational structure to eliminate disconnect and facilitate savings opportunity capture within and among the 3 business units. Following the diagnostic, management launched efforts to capture these opportunities, which were expected to improve the company’s EBITDA margins by 6+ percentage points.
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Improving Profitability and Revenue Performance at Multi-disciplinary Engineering Services Firm
Conducted a 6-week operations assessment to turn around the company’s margin performance and position it for a successful exit in 2-3 years’ time. Analyzed historical project and employee utilization performance; developed target staffing leverage model; and created target business development model to improve efficiency of business development effort while driving profitable revenue growth. Our detailed assessment gave our client a solid understanding and roadmap of the levers to achieve the target margin performance (5-7% points growth); client requested Gotham to provide ongoing support through quarterly performance audits.
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