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Cost Assessment/ Reduction

We bring our unique mix of financial and operational capabilities and our unwavering focus on financial results to ensure that our clients have clarity on the company’s cost structure and opportunities and that operations improvement initiatives quickly show up in the company’s financial statement. We: rapidly decipher and break down the company’s cost structure leveraging financial and operational data as well as site visits and management discussions; identify key operational levers and their impact on cost; and quantify cost reduction opportunities associated with operations improvement initiatives. We ensure that any cost reductions are sustainable and our clients benefit from them not only during their ownership but also at exit in increased valuation.

Single-Family Home Rental Company
Establishing Efficient Organization Structure And Processes To Drive $100MM In EBITDA Uplift

Conducted 12-week operations diagnostic to identify opportunities to streamline and reduce cost of client’s operations. To this end, Gotham: redesigned the corporate organization; surveyed 300+ front-line employees to understand their activities; visited multiple local markets and toured homes; mapped all processes front-to-back; and conducted deep-dive analyses of the client's operational performance to establish and quantify savings opportunities. Gotham identified opportunities to increase the client’s EBITDA by $100MM and developed project charters, role-specific KPIS, and a technology plan to jumpstart the capture of identified opportunities. The client launched the implementation effort immediately, with organizational restructuring implemented within 4 weeks. 

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Industrial Goods Manufacturer
Determining the Right Fixed Cost Structure and Capturing Overhead and G&A Opportunities at Global Industrial Goods Manufacturer

Worked with senior business unit management to develop and implement manufacturing overhead and G&A savings recommendations across NA network. Established a zero-based organizational structure and cross-business unit management efficiency metrics for assessment purposes. First-year run-rate savings were $8.1MM, an additional $2.1MM of savings were targeted.

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Personal Care Products Company
Establishing Cost-focused Operational Processes to Enable Rapid Cost Savings Capture at Premium Personal Care Products Company

Identified $9-12.5MM in cost reduction opportunities, which required addressing CosmeticCo's critical gaps in operational basics, which had become exacerbated by fast growth, and its limited understanding of/focus on actual costs. Within 4 months, over $7MM in cost reduction opportunites confirmed or detailed, with $2.5MM already captured on run-rate basis. CosmeticCo continues to implement detailed-out changes to complete capture of near-term savings and then pursue longer-term opportunities.

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Machine Tools Designer and Manufacturer
Quick-win Engineering and Material Cost Reductions at International Custom Machine Tools Designer and Manufacturer

Conducted 4-week diagnostic to understand drivers of ongoing margin erosion (~10% point gap between quoted margin vs. realized margin) that identified $1.7-2.7MM in quick-win cost savings opportunities in 3 key areas: robust, cross-functional quoting and engineering processes with formal involvement of engineering in the quoting process and proactive management of hours/scope in the engineering process; material spend reduction by implementing cost-focused (vs. “get the parts in”) purchasing process/tools, renegotiating/ establishing contracts with key vendors, and standardizing parts to leverage volume; and selective migration of engineering to India, starting with detailed engineering and phasing in higher skill activities. Execution assistance included: creating vendor negotiation strategy and vendor packages for top vendors (6-20% savings already realized); crafting quoting and engineering process end-vision; and developing a detailed capture plan with timeline for all targeted savings.

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Fashion Accessory Importer
Freight Cost Opportunity Diagnostic and Savings Capture at at Leading Fashion Accessory Importer

Analyzed air freight cost from Asia to identify $3-5MM (32-49%) in cost reduction opportunities from: (1) tighter management of air shipments (including invoice auditing, formal RFP process to find a new freight forwarder, and reduced rush shipments of products and components); and (2) selective migration to container shipments. Helped client capture the opportunities, including auditing past freight bills to discover 13% chargeable weight discrepancy and executing the RFP process to find a new freight forwarder, resulting in a 31% reduction in freight cost. As per our recommendation, Client hired a VP of supply chain to spearhead capture of further savings via continued development of robust processes and migration of increasing amount of freight to sea. A year after Gotham left, FashionCo had dramatically lowered its inbound freight costs and migrated a significant portion of shipments to containers.

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Building Products Manufacturer
Assessing Manufacturing Capabilities and Scalability to Support Aggressive Growth Projections at Startup Green Building Materials Company

Analyzed operations and cost structure of this startup manufacturer projected to grow to over $80MM in sales in 5 years. Reviewed manufacturing equipment and operations, built a bottom-up cost model for current and future costs, and established requirements for scaling up the operations. The operational due diligence revealed necessary improvements to meet the very aggressive growth forecasts, as well as opportunities for cost reduction. PE client deferred investment.

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Related Capabilities


Operations Strategy/ Roadmap


Supply Chain Optimization


Manufacturing Operations Improvements


Product Lifecycle/ Complexity Management


Service Operations Improvements


Rental Operations Improvements


Sales & Marketing Effectiveness


Pragmatic Growth Strategy


Exit Preparation/ Positioning

Industry Expertise

Food & Beverage

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