Consumer Distribution & Retail

Customer & Market Due Diligence Of Foodservice Distributor/DTC Fulfillment Services Provider: Deciphering Nascent DTC Frozen Foods Fulfillment Market
Conducted 3-week customer & market due diligence to establish: frozen DTC fulfillment market size and the ability to sustain COVID-19 bump; the target’s competitive positioning in the frozen DTC fulfillment market; and the target’s reputation/positioning with foodservice distribution customers. Gotham: mapped universe of 350+ frozen DTC food companies; built bottom-up frozen DTC fulfillment market model; conducted 11 DTC fulfillment customer interviews; established competitive landscape of frozen DTC fulfillment services providers; and conducted 13 interviews and 73 online customer surveys of foodservice distribution customers. Gotham’s findings enabled our client to move forward confidently with the potential acquisition.
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Delivery Strategy at Leading Luxury Chocolate Company: Capturing Lost Sales Opportunities Through New Planning and Delivering Capabilities
Developed a new customer service/logistics strategy for effectively distributing high-value, perishable products to 250 company-owned stores and 5,000 DSD customers. Developed and executed 3 pilot tests that demonstrated significant improvements: 100% improvement in retail delivery performance; successful direct fulfillment of retail corporate orders; 10% reduction in inventory costs; very satisfied wholesale customers.
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Customer & Market Due Diligence of Leading Mobility Products Distributor: Assessing Consumer Willingness to Buy and Lender Willingness to Finance a Lower-priced Product
Assessed consumer willingness to buy a lower-priced product and lender willingness to finance the product. Through a consumer panel survey of high-wheelchair-usage consumers (either users or caregivers), and a survey of target’s customer and prospect database, Gotham established that WAV is a need-based product that offers significant quality of life improvement -- a new lower-priced product would open up another ~20% of market. Through our ability to get to the right auto lending decision makers, we were quickly able to establish what the target should expect in terms of financing and which lenders to target. Our client was excited about the opportunity, presented our findings to the target’s management, and pursued a more aggressive bid.
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Customer & Market Due Diligence Of OPE Parts Manufacturer: Establishing Complex Market Dynamics And Target’s Competitive Positioning
Conducted 3-week customer & market due diligence to establish: market dynamics and outlook for the OPE parts market; the target’s reputation/competitive positioning with OEMs and retailers; and the target’s growth opportunities in the retail, professional, and E-Commerce channels. To this end, Gotham: conducted 7 “warm introduction” and 41 anonymous customer interviews; conducted 2,075 online consumer panel surveys with OPE users to gain insights into OPE user demographics, usage patterns, buying behavior, brand recognition, and shifts during COVID pandemic; and built a market sizing model. With the clarity and insights we provided, the client became comfortable with target’s market position and growth opportunity and successfully closed the add-on acquisition.
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Customer & Market And Operational Due Diligence Of Leading Propane Distributor: Determining Branch-level Margin Expansion Opportunities And Market Position
Conducted 2-week customer & market and operational due diligence to: validate capture of pricing and operating efficiencies at acquired companies; establish local market dynamics and target’s competitive positioning; and assess regulatory and substitution threat. Gotham: surveyed ~750 propane consumers in target’s service areas; identified/profiled key competitors and conducted 32 competitor interviews in target’s local markets; analyzed zip-code-level propane supply, consumption, pricing, and heating degree day trends; determined pricing optimization and segmentation opportunity; assessed substitution threat from natural gas, electricity, and heat pumps; and analyzed pricing, delivery, and backoffiice expenses at 25+ acquisitions. Comfortable with the target’s opportunity to acquire family-owned local propane distributors and capture pricing/operations improvements, our client was able to move forward with an aggressive but well-informed bid.
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Pricing Oprimization at Leading Catalog Company: Creating Strategic Pricing Capabilities for Fact- and Behavioral-based Pricing Decisions
Put in place necessary fact base and analytical processes to enable proper pricing decisions in a market with distinct-price thresholds. Created pricing guidelines and robust pricing process. Immediately applied to reprice 1,100 items, with a projected margin increase of $1.3MM.
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