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Household Goods

Customer & Market Due Diligence Of OPE Parts Manufacturer: Establishing Complex Market Dynamics And Target’s Competitive Positioning

Conducted 3-week customer & market due diligence to establish:  market dynamics and outlook for the OPE parts market; the target’s reputation/competitive positioning with OEMs and retailers; and the target’s growth opportunities in the retail, professional, and E-Commerce channels. To this end, Gotham:  conducted 7 “warm introduction” and 41 anonymous customer interviews; conducted 2,075 online consumer panel surveys with OPE users to gain insights into OPE user demographics, usage patterns, buying behavior, brand recognition, and shifts during COVID pandemic; and built a market sizing model. With the clarity and insights we provided, the client became comfortable with target’s market position and growth opportunity and successfully closed the add-on acquisition.

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Home Appliance Manufacturer
Customer & Market Due Diligence of Premium Home Appliance Manufacturer:  Analyzing Retail Expansion Opportunities in Key States and Establishing Competitive Threats in Market Sub-segment

Conducted Customer & Market Due Diligence to pin down the geographic expansion opportunities and competitive dynamics in the premium home appliance market. Interviewed 150+ store managers at specialty appliance retailers and distributors in key states to validate and prioritize post-acquisition expansion plans, developed a robust state-level fact base on the overall demand for the target’s appliance sub-segment utilizing government, industry, and company data, and prioritized geographies.  Based on Gotham’s findings, PE client successfully proceeded with the acquisition.

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Household Products Company
Delivery Performance Improvements at Leading Household Products Company: Turning Around Warehouse and Customer Service Performance

Helped turn around a problematic distribution operation that was creating service problems with leading retailers. Developed standard operating procedures for basic warehouse functions, including inventory transactions, pick/pack/ship operation, cycle counting, and quality audits. Revamped the warehouse organization structure and instituted measurement and tracking to monitor performance. HomeCo now a top 10 supplier to the largest U.S. retailers.

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Food, Personal, and Home Care Products Manufacturer
Operational Due Diligence Of Family-owned Food, Personal, And Home Care Products Manufacturer: Rapidly Establishing Manufacturing Outsourcing Economics And Requirements

Conducted rapid operational due diligence to establish manufacturing outsourcing economics at a family-owned food, personal care, and home care products manufacturer. Gotham quickly:  built a bottom-up view of the target’s cost structure, current product costs, co-pack costs, and organization structure; conducted plant walkthrough and interviewed operations management; and interviewed companies in food and personal care products outsourcing. We established that outsourcing economics are slightly favorable as logistics and G&A would generate sufficient savings to more than offset a slight increase in food manufacturing cost. As our assessment indicated higher costs and risks associated with outsourcing food products, our client successfully pursued a restructured transaction of carving out personal and home care brands and products.

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Climate Control Products Manufacturer
Operations Diagnostic and Roadmap at Climate Control Product Manufacturer:  Establishing End-vision for a Fast-growing, Entrepreneurial Company 

Conducted a 3-week operations diagnostic to establish an end-vision for optimizing the clients’s manufacturing, supply chain, and engineering operations. Gotham developed a solid fact base of the client’s operations, including demand patterns, inventory, labor efficiency, product complexity, and cost structure. Working with management, Gotham created an end-vision to transform operations and generate both real bottom line benefits – 600bp EBITDA improvement, 20-30% reduction in inventory, and 30% reduction in the plant footprint – and capability enhancements (faster speed to market, improved quality, etc.) that will allow the client to capture market opportunities and drive future growth. The company’s board wholeheartedly backed this end-vision and asked Gotham to help accelerate capture of these opportunities.

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Steel Container Manufacturer
Proactive Acquisition Strategy for Leading Steel Container Manufacturer: Analyzing Market Niches for Potential Add-On Acquisitions

Analyzed three complementary market niches for investment potential. Researched the current market for the product, projected growth, and profiled the key acquisition targets in each niche. Highlighted the key market drivers; technology trends; and relative advantages and customer base. Provided key information for the company's acquisition strategy and identified the strongest acquisition target.

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