Production Planning & Scheduling
Network-wide Operating System to Turn Around Performance at Foodservice/Co-pack Juice Company
Turned around plant performance by implementing basic plant operating system (downtime, waste, and scheduling). $600K in run rate cost savings captured by the end of the 6-week engagement, with tools and processes in place to capture the rest. Building on the initial success, rolled out the network-wide standard operating procedures to the other 2 plants during an 8-week Phase II effort with additional savings of $2-2.5MM expected. Company generating record EBITDA (60+% improvement in EBITDA) and the PE firm decided to market the company for an exit.
Show DetailsEnhancing Forecasting, Planning, and Product Lifecycle Management in Post-merger Environment at Leading Sporting Safety Equipment Company
Assisted 4 client teams and trained client personnel during a post-merger replenishment system enhancement and inventory reduction effort. Developed a centralized inventory and planning model by merging information from 2 separate operating entities. Achieved $8+MM reduction in inventory in 9 months.
Show DetailsNew Planning/Delivery Capabilities to Turnaround Customer Service/Delivery Performance at Leading Industrial Hardgoods Manufacturer
Led diagnostic-based effort culminating in enhanced planning and delivery capabilities: short-term tactical prioritization to overcome to overcome significant backlog; new planning system parameters; customer-oriented delivery strategy, including fast-ship program; shop-floor prioritization mechanisms (fixed schedule); measurement/tracking and reporting scheme for planning and production; ultimate migration to integrated MRP system. Fast- ship SKU program reduced order-to-delivery cycle from 2+ weeks to 1 day; $10MM backlog reduced to $2.5MM (including future orders) within 3 months.
Show DetailsEnabling Full Use of JD Edwards ERP System at Leading Industrial Goods Manufacturer
Aligned company's JD Edwards system with its operations strategy by formulating and documenting the logic to be used for setting system parameters, and using the logic to eliminate system set-up problems and data entry errors. Achieved a dramatic reduction in manual workarounds, which contributed to a $6MM reduction in inventory and a 28% improvement in on-time delivery.
Show DetailsAchieving and Sustainng World-class Performance at Leading Industrial Goods Manufacturer
Implemented a 2-phased approach to turn around delivery performance - a "Stop The Bleeding" Phase focused on tactical fixes to get situation under control and a "Sustainable World Class Performance" Phase focused on addressing systematic issues to ensure sustainability. Achieved a 40% reduction in delivery backlog and 32% improvement in on-time delivery.
Show DetailsDeveloping Segmented Operations and Service Strategy at Full-line Industrial Goods Manufacturer
Devised an approach for segmenting SKUs in a diverse SKU environment based on a several qualitative factors such as contractual customer requirements, marketing strategy, and sourcing considerations, and a statistical scoring methodology incorporating several demand pattern factors such as sales, margin, demand variability, demand frequency, broken shipments, and requirements of top customers. Devised and implemented differentiated operations and service strategy (make-to-stock vs. manufacture-to-order) for the SKU segments which contributed to an 28% improvement in on-time delivery and a 25% reduction in inventory.
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