Identifying Customer Spending Trends and Company Perception of Material Processing Equipment Manufacturer
In an auction situation, conducted customer and market due diligence to identify customer spending trends and perception of the target company for the buyer. Identified potential for a near-term decline in recent sales levels and uncovered customer concerns regarding the target company's customer service and product innovation, leading the buyer to back away from the aggressive pursuit of the company.
Show DetailsUnderstanding Market Dynamics/Size of Leading HSE Services Company
Conducted customer interviews and market research to validate company’s business model of providing outsourced services to the energy industry. Effort included interviewing (unsolicited) 84 current and potential customers, researching 5 product families and 7 industry sectors to establish service requirements, and building bottom-up market sizing model for this early stage outsourcing market. PE client ($9+B under management) purchased the company and able to increase the top-line by 50% within the first year.
Show DetailsValidating Market Potential of an Add-On Acquisition at Specialty Plastic Container Manufacturer
Conducted 146 customer interviews and market sizing analysis to support an add-on acquisition of residential plastic container manufacturer by a PE-owned $400MM commercial steel container company. Analysis validated market potential and customer perception of the target and since the deal closed, the target has been outperforming projections.
Show DetailsEstablishing Addressable Market And Growth Outlook In An Undefined Market
Conducted 1-week customer & market due diligence to establish the addressable market size, growth trends, and competitive landscape for flow control safety equipment in natural gas distribution systems. Gotham: conducted 78 interviews and 44 online surveys with natural gas utilities; built a market sizing model extrapolating interview/survey data; and developed a robust technical profile of natural gas local distribution system configurations and flow control equipment. Armed with valuable clarity and detail in an otherwise information-poor industry, our client was able to complete the add-on acquisition with confidence.
Show DetailsDetermining Branch-level Margin Expansion Opportunities And Market Position
Conducted 2-week customer & market and operational due diligence to: validate capture of pricing and operating efficiencies at acquired companies; establish local market dynamics and target’s competitive positioning; and assess regulatory and substitution threat. Gotham: surveyed ~750 propane consumers in target’s service areas; identified/profiled key competitors and conducted 32 competitor interviews in target’s local markets; analyzed zip-code-level propane supply, consumption, pricing, and heating degree day trends; determined pricing optimization and segmentation opportunity; assessed substitution threat from natural gas, electricity, and heat pumps; and analyzed pricing, delivery, and backoffiice expenses at 25+ acquisitions. Comfortable with the target’s opportunity to acquire family-owned local propane distributors and capture pricing/operations improvements, our client was able to move forward with an aggressive but well-informed bid.
Show DetailsAssessing Consumer Willingness to Buy and Lender Willingness to Finance a Lower-priced Product for Leading Mobility Products Distributor
Assessed consumer willingness to buy a lower-priced product and lender willingness to finance the product. Through a consumer panel survey of high-wheelchair-usage consumers (either users or caregivers), and a survey of target’s customer and prospect database, Gotham established that WAV is a need-based product that offers significant quality of life improvement -- a new lower-priced product would open up another ~20% of market. Through our ability to get to the right auto lending decision makers, we were quickly able to establish what the target should expect in terms of financing and which lenders to target. Our client was excited about the opportunity, presented our findings to the target’s management, and pursued a more aggressive bid.
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