Standardized/ Modular Product Design

Establishing Operation End-vision for a Fast-growing, Entrepreneurial Climate Control Product Manufacturer
Conducted a 3-week operations diagnostic to establish an end-vision for optimizing the clients’s manufacturing, supply chain, and engineering operations. Gotham developed a solid fact base of the client’s operations, including demand patterns, inventory, labor efficiency, product complexity, and cost structure. Working with management, Gotham created an end-vision to transform operations and generate both real bottom line benefits – 600bp EBITDA improvement, 20-30% reduction in inventory, and 30% reduction in the plant footprint – and capability enhancements (faster speed to market, improved quality, etc.) that will allow the client to capture market opportunities and drive future growth. The company’s board wholeheartedly backed this end-vision and asked Gotham to help accelerate capture of these opportunities.
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Creating a Fact-based, Realistic Strategy for Performance Enhancement at Leading Industrial Machinery Manufacturer
Conducted a 2-week diagnostic of current performance as a first step in helping craft and execute an operations strategy. Specific elements of the proposed strategy included: (1) outsourcing non-core activities; (2) rationalizing the vendor based and developing focused supplier partnerships; (3) segmenting operations (equipment vs. consumables) to improve supply chain management; and (4) Moving towards standard and modular system design to greatly simplify inventory and production. Short-term cost savings of $2MM successfully captures and $3+MM longer-term savings capture on track.
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Assessing Product Design and Network Simplification Opportunities at Global Environmental Machinery Manufacturer
Analyzed product portfolio and design platforms, manufacturing and engineering facilities, and cost structure to establish cost reduction opportunities at a machinery manufacturer with operations distributed over 13 facilities in 8 countries. Due diligence identified $23-39MM (12-21% of total COGS) in cost savings from standardizing/modularizing product line and executing a low-cost manufacturing strategy, simplifying/consolidating the manufacturing and engineering network, and reducing material, labor, and freight costs.
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Cleaning Up Distribution as a First Step in Establishing a Growth-supporting Distribution Platform at National Seafood Company
Conducted a diagnostic to reduce distribution costs as a part of an effort to integrate the distribution systems of two companies by identifying and sizing cost levers with savings benefits (quick hits, process changes, and cultural changes). Targeted cost savings of $1.5 to 2MM on a base of $7MM, of which $1MM are estimated to be achieved by quick hits alone.
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Tackling the Sources and Costs of Product Complexity at Global Cosmetics Products Company
Identified the sources and cost impacts of product complexity for a billion dollar manufacturer of cosmetic products. Initiatives included product simplification and harmonization (including packaging simplification), and optimization of the product launch process via cross-functional communication and use of packaging pallets. Significant savings $38-$40MM were discovered and worldwide rollout is expected after initial successes in the US and Europe.
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An Effective, Actionable Growth Strategy to Quadruple Revenue at Leading Power Electronics Company
Developed a pragmatic growth strategy to grow an unprofitable $25MM revenue business to a $100MM, 20% EBITDA business within 4 years. Effort included first developing the target product strategy based on market segmentation and analysis, competitive assessment, and product portfolio and capability analysis, and then creating product development, sourcing, branding, marketing, and channel strategies. Initial annual savings target of $2.7MM accomplished within a year before top-line growth kicked in.
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