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Specialty Apparel Supplier
Validating Growth and Margin Sustainability in A Consumer Trend-driven Niche Market for Specialty Apparel Supplier

Conducted Customer & Market Due Diligence to develop a detailed picture of target’s market and competitive dynamics, and to validate shoppers’ lasting preference for target’s products in a rapidly growing niche apparel segment. Built account penetration model across key channels, interviewed 60+ retail buyers and store managers, conducted field research at 20+ stores, and surveyed panel of 500+ consumers to confirm growth and margin sustainability moving forward. Gotham’s findings allowed the PE client to confidently close the transaction and served as a solid fact-base for management post-acquisition. 

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Home Appliance Manufacturer
Analyzing Retail Expansion Opportunities in Key States and Establishing Competitive Threats in Market Sub-segment for Premium Home Appliance Manufacturer

Conducted Customer & Market Due Diligence to pin down the geographic expansion opportunities and competitive dynamics in the premium home appliance market. Interviewed 150+ store managers at specialty appliance retailers and distributors in key states to validate and prioritize post-acquisition expansion plans, developed a robust state-level fact base on the overall demand for the target’s appliance sub-segment utilizing government, industry, and company data, and prioritized geographies.  Based on Gotham’s findings, PE client successfully proceeded with the acquisition.

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Consumer Electronic Device Provider
Developing Multi-brand Growth Strategy in Preparation of PE Exit at Consumer Electronic Device Provider: 

Established feasibility of multi-brand strategy to support a transformative add-on acquisition, created company’s domestic and international growth strategy to position the company for a successful exit in 18-24 months, and developed an actionable strategic plan.  Effort included:  interviewing 160+ government officials, competitors, consumer/influencers, and other industry participants; researching market, competitive, and regulatory dynamics; building robust state-by-state market size/growth and cannibalization models; and developing multi-brand, Canada entry, and product line expansion strategies. Gotham’s assessment and recommendations allowed the client to move forward with the add-on acquisition and enter Canada, as well as start executing near-term aspects of growth plans to set stage for exit.

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Plumbing and Drain Cleaning Services
Establishing Target’s Brand Reputation and Growth Opportunities of Plumbing and Drain Cleaning Services Company

Conducted 4-week customer & market due diligence to:  (1) validate defensibility of target’s residential business; (2) establish/confirm growth opportunity in the commercial business; and (3) validate the opportunity to expand into the water damage restoration market. Gotham undertook an exhaustive fact-based approach:  consumer panel and customer surveys; commercial customer surveys and interviews across 11 end-markets; deep-dive analysis of several years of job-level data; and detailed competitive landscapes in each of the target’s territories. Gotham’s fact-based conclusions allowed our client to gain confidence in defensibility of the target’s market position and viability of its growth plan leading to the successful close of the transaction.       

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Off-road Vehicle Aftermarket Parts Supplier
Assessing Company Positioning and Market Outlook of Off-road Vehicle Aftermarket Parts Supplier

Conducted customer & market due diligence to establish the aftermarket parts market size/growth for key end-markets, identify potential threats from OEMs/distributors, and understand the eCommerce growth opportunity in an information-poor market:  1) conducted over 200 interviews with decision-makers at major OEMs, distributors, dealers, repair centers, and retailers; 2) established off-road vehicle aftermarket part market size/growth; 3) quantified channel-specific market trends by analyzing the target’s sales by distribution channel at the SKU level; and 4) established the competitive landscape at each step of the value chain by profiling major OEMs and distributors in the powersports, agriculture, and lawn and garden markets. Gotham’s intensive primary research and analytical effort provided a nuanced understanding of the market outlook and clarified threats/opportunities, thus allowing the client to make a well informed bid in a highly competitive auction.    

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Life Events Services Company
Establishing Buying Behavior and Identifying Growth Opportunities of Consumer Life Events Services Company

Conducted 3-week customer & market due diligence to:  determine consumer buying behavior in target’s core operating segments; validate target’s competitive positioning in mall-based segment; and identify/assess potential end-market expansion opportunities. To analyze each of target’s 3 core segments, we:  1) surveyed a panel of 1,500 consumers; 2) conducted 30+ anonymous interviews with key decision-makers at top customers and potential customers; and 3) performed extensive primary and secondary research. Based on our findings, our PE client was able to prepare an appropriately valued bid.

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Food & Beverage

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