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Pricing/ Marketing Effectiveness

We deploy rigorous analytics to improve effectiveness of marketing levers and drive profitable growth, including:

  • Pricing Optimization: Incremental margin and revenue capture – strategic pricing; pricing analytics; insights from customer surveys, competitive benchmarking, and conjoint analysis; and pricing rules/guidelines, processes, tools, and metrics/monitoring
  • Marketing ROI: Analytics to understand spend efficiency, campaign response/lift, and margin drivers/trends; fact-based creation/refresh of the client’s marketing program; optimization of marketing initiatives; and organization, processes, BI tools, and performance measurement systems to deliver marketing ROI
  • Customer: Customer lifetime value; customer segmentation based on needs, value, and behavior; customer acquisition, retention, and winback; and voice of the customer.
Catalog Company
Creating Strategic Pricing Capabilities for Fact- and Behavioral-based Pricing Decisions at Leading Catalog Company

Put in place necessary fact base and analytical processes to enable proper pricing decisions in a market with distinct-price thresholds. Created pricing guidelines and robust pricing process. Immediately applied to reprice 1,100 items, with a projected margin increase of $1.3MM.

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Pharmaceutical Company
Understanding and Analyzing the Impact of Generic Entry and Developing Financial and Manufacturing Plan to Optimize Marketing Spend for Multi-Billion-Dollar Drug Product

Assessed generic competitive landscape for $2B drug, including profiling costs and lead time for generic market entry, generating likely penetration scenarios (pricing and market share), and quantifying financial impact of generic launch sequences across 7 major worldwide markets. The study resulted in creation of a re-usable proactive planning tool for modeling the effects of generic product entry into the market.

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Multi-disciplinary Engineering Services Firm
Improving Profitability and Revenue Performance at Multi-disciplinary Engineering Services Firm

Conducted a 6-week operations assessment to turn around the company’s margin performance and position it for a successful exit in 2-3 years’ time. Analyzed historical project and employee utilization performance; developed target staffing leverage model; and created target business development model to improve efficiency of business development effort while driving profitable revenue growth. Our detailed assessment gave our client a solid understanding and roadmap of the levers to achieve the target margin performance (5-7% points growth); client requested Gotham to provide ongoing support through quarterly performance audits.

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Specialty Engineering Services Firm
Instilling Process Discipline Required for Future Growth While Sustaining Performance-oriented Culture at Entrepreneurial Specialty Engineering Services Firm

Conducted operational due diligence to assess the firm’s prospect-to-cash cycle processes and establish a revenue forecasting approach. Our effort included:  building a robust fact base of the company’s cost and operational performance using data from ERP and offline database; mapping and assessing sales & marketing, revenue generation, and people management processes; and visiting/interviewing management across multiple offices.  Gotham provided an explicit top-level operations end-vision and value creation plan bolstering the company’s ability to support growth, giving our client the necessary confidence to successfully complete negotiations. 

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Multi-channel Retailer
Instituting Data-driven, Synchronized Top-down and Bottom-up Planning and Forecasting Process at Leading Catalog Retailer

Created robust planning and forecasting process to enable merchandisers to better plan their assortment for the next 5 quarters. Effort included building a bottom-up planning tool to create the merchandising plan, designing an excellent process for reconciliation of the top-down financial plan with the bottom-up plan, and creating a rolling 12-month planning process to replace the company's annual one-time process. After pilot testing in one department, new planning and forecasting process being rolled out and used for upcoming FY.

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Direct Marketing Company
Developing Category Management Capabilities with Item-level Strategies at Large Direct Marketing Company

Worked with the senior merchandising team to develop capabilities and strategies for all key elements that constitute strategic merchandising -- assortment strategy, new product introduction, catalog/web placement strategy, product lifecycle strategy, and pricing strategy. With strategic approach, CatalogCo now meeting SKU targets, properly planning media placement, and able to identify and fill gaps in assortment.

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Related Capabilities


Salesforce Effectiveness


Pragmatic Growth Strategy


Rapid Operations Improvements


Exit Preparation/ Positioning

Industry Expertise

Food & Beverage

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